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Inheriting traditional Chinese medicine and promoting the quintessence of China


The ancients said: "A doctor must not be entrusted unless he is benevolent; he must not be tasked unless he is wise and rational, and he must not be trusted unless he is honest and unsophisticated." Family style is the sum of a relatively stable moral standard, traditional habits, rules of conduct, style of life and way of life formed by a family and a clan through generations. Good family style is an heirloom, the source of positive energy characterized by positive, upward, healthy and harmonious in the whole society, an indispensable method and channel for inheriting moral culture, and an effective and simple way to popularize mainstream moral values. "Loyalty and kindness is passed down to the family for a long time, just as poetry and books can spread in the world for so long." This good family style and good medical ethics should be passed down from generation to generation.

Only when we take it as our duty to inherit and carry forward traditional Chinese medicine culture, do our best to excavate the treasures of traditional Chinese medicine, inherit traditional culture, and serve the people, can we make traditional Chinese medicine culture stand proudly in the world cultural grand garden and emit unique fragrance, and make great contributions to the inheritance of Chinese culture and the benefit of mankind.

"The key to the rule of the world lies in talents ". In the course of time, the correctness of this assertion has been repeatedly confirmed. The cause of TCM needs talents and nurtures talents. Therefore, putting the work of TCM talents in a more prominent position has become the focus of the work of TCM in the new era. Follow the educational concept of "educate people with culture, achieve the unity of knowledge and action", carry out art and humanistic quality education, highlight TCM culture education, and cultivate the aesthetic cultivation, professional ethics and humanistic spirit of TCM students.

Always adhere to the TCM culture of "inheriting, carrying forward and doing good", and with the idea of "inheriting the Taoist nobles, it is excellent, as if it were natural; absorbing the essence of hundreds of herbs, it benefits the common people" and the spirit of craftsman, cast the essence of traditional Chinese medicine products, be conscientious TCM people and serve the people with conscience.

