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May liver cirrhosis patients eat seafood?


1. Some seafood, especially fish oil, is rich in eicosapentaenoic acid, docosahexaenoic acid, prostacyclin Pg3 and other harmful substances. Eating them can reduce platelet aggregation and extend the time of blood coagulation, which is very bad for liver cirrhosis patients with bleeding tendency or coagulation function disorder. Therefore, liver cirrhosis patients with bleeding tendency and coagulation function disorder cannot eat seafood.

2. Seafood is rich in unsaturated fatty acids, which helps to avoid atherosclerosis; In addition, some seafood also have anti-tumor and anti-cancer ingredients, for example, seaweed polysaccharides contained in seafood have a wide range of anti-tumor effects, chitin contained in crabs can effectively fight tumors, glycoproteins rich in clams and shellfish have anti-cancer effects, and sea cucumber polysaccharides and saponins rich in sea cucumber also have anti-tumor and anti radiation damage effects. Therefore, patients with liver cirrhosis can eat some seafood properly to avoid the onset of liver cancer.

3. On the one hand, seafood is not only a treasure house of inorganic salts and trace elements, but also contains less connective tissue in most seafood, which is relatively simple to digest and absorb, and is an important source of high-quality animal protein; on the other hand, patients with liver cirrhosis are prone to different degrees of malnutrition due to decreased liver function and reduced ability of protein composition, which is detrimental to the correction and regeneration of the body and liver cells. Therefore, patients with liver cirrhosis can properly eat some seafood if their conditions permit. However, the intake of a lot of protein can induce or aggravate liver fainting. Therefore, it is recommended not to eat seafood for those who show severe symptoms in the late stage of liver cirrhosis or who show signs of liver fainting.

4. Patients with liver cirrhosis often have varicose upper digestive tract, while most seafood have solid shells and bone spurs, so that if the seafood is not chewed well, the shells and bone spurs may puncture blood vessels, causing massive bleeding of the upper digestive tract and then endangering life.

