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Department of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine


The integration of traditional Chinese and western medicine is to combine the traditional knowledge and methods of traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine to clarify the mechanism on the basis of improving the clinical efficacy and then obtain new medical knowledge. The integration of traditional Chinese and western medicine is a long-term policy of the government after the founding of the People's Republic of China. The integration of traditional Chinese and western medicine is a cross field of Chinese and western medicine, and is also a working principle of China's medical and health undertakings. Starting from clinical practice, the integration of traditional Chinese and western medicine has gradually evolved into an academic system with clear development goals and unique methodology. Traditional Chinese medicine is traditional medicine, while the so-called western medicine is modern medicine established on the basis of the development of western traditional medicine and biological science; therefore, system medicine will be developed on the basis of modern biological science, medicine and traditional Chinese medicine, that is, personality, transformation and genomic medicine based on system biology and technology in the post genomic era. 

