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Is liver ascites infectious?


Liver ascites is the most prominent symptom in the decompensated period of liver function. This problem is widely concerned by patients with liver and ascites and their relatives, because one side is afraid of infecting their relatives and the other side is afraid of being infected. Let's explain in detail. Liver ascites is mainly caused by liver dysfunction and is a functional disease. So whether the liver ascites is infectious or not can be determined. The answer is that the liver ascites is not infectious.

Severe hepatitis, alcoholic liver, liver cirrhosis and liver cancer all may cause liver ascites. Chronic hepatitis B and chronic hepatitis C are the main causes of liver cirrhosis, and they are infectious. After cirrhosis caused by both of them, if not treated in time, liver ascites may occur when the cirrhosis develops to the decompensation stage of liver function. Most of the patients with cirrhosis in China are post hepatitis cirrhosis, which is caused by chronic hepatitis B and chronic hepatitis C. The cases of post hepatitis cirrhosis are generally infectious. It can be seen that we should be vigilant against hepatic ascites caused by hepatitis and post hepatitis cirrhosis. If it is necessary to contact and take care of patients with liver ascites, first ask about the causes of liver ascites to understand whether the liver ascites is infectious, so as to take certain preventive measures to avoid infection with hepatitis and other diseases.

If I come into contact with patients with liver ascites in my daily life, will I be infected? In fact, there is absolutely no need for us to worry too much. Because, for diseases such as hepatitis B and hepatitis C, ordinary contact in ordinary life will not cause infection, so it is not necessary to deliberately avoid, so as not to affect the feelings between the patients and their families. The transmission routes of hepatitis B and hepatitis C are similar, so we can do some understanding to prevent in advance.

Cirrhosis ascites is often accompanied by lower limb edema in the late stage. When the late stage of cirrhosis ascites is accompanied by chills, fever, abdominal pain, abdominal muscle tension and tenderness, it basically indicates peritonitis. Ascites caused by liver cirrhosis, liver cancer and other digestive tract tumors may be accompanied by symptoms such as jaundice, hematemesis and black stool, resulting from upper gastrointestinal bleeding, tumor rupture and bleeding, which is easily caused by abnormal liver function in the late stage of cirrhosis ascites and portal hypertension

